Zilele Academice Timişene _ Regenerarea urbană între oportunităţi de dezvoltare şi identitate culturală


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„Regenerarea urbana intre oportunitati de dezvoltare si identitate culturala”

Organizat in cadrul celei de-a XIV-a ediție a Zilelor Academice Timișene, 29 mai 2015


Publlicarea lucrarilor

Lucrările selecționate de comitetul științific se vor publica intr-un volum dedicat Zilelor Academice Timișene al Buletinului Științific al Facultății de arhitectură și Urbanism


Program Zilele Academice Timișene

Vineri, 29 mai 2015

Sala de desfasurare : Amfiteatrul Hans Fackelmann

9:00           Deschiderea conferintei dedicate Zilelor Academice – Decan Prof. dr.arh. Ioan Andreescu

Sesiunea 1 – Presedinte : Prof. R. Radoslav, Copresedinti: Prof. T. Gheorghiu, Prof. C. Dumitrescu, Prof. V. Gaivoronschi

9:15    Stefania Danila      Transactions on Architecture and Urbanism Enveloping (Wrapping) public spaces in

9:30    Oliver Lapadat       Libertatii Square in Timisoara – Historical development and current issues

9:45            Delia Suciu      Cornereva – History and ssumptions of development

10:00     Severina Canjau               The potential of a sustainable residential development on the outskirts of Timisoara city – Case study on Ghiroda Village

10:15     Mirea Raluca      Waterfront regeneration through landscape urbanism: Abatorului Sqare – Feroviarilor Park, Cluj-Napoca

10:30     Vali Murariu       Development Oportunities in Banat’s rural region – Case Study Comuna Mănăștiur, Timiș county, Romania.

10:45     Gavrilescu Bogdan           Local strategies for the sustainable development of Şag locality

11:00     Georgeana Cârstean      The potential of inland waterways – Case Study Bega Channel

11:15     Andrada Suciu   Dacia – The Urban Garden

11:30     Istvanovicz Calin               Comparison between Nădlac and Mako: history, urban structure and impact of the materialization of the motorway

11:45     Kolleth Cristina  Iosefin neighborhood – two decades of urban development

12:00     Andrei Grec        Strategies for developing public parking – case study downtown Arad, Romania

12:15     Bimbo Vasile      Sustainable rural development and railway transportation – Valea Ierului


12:15 – 13:00       Pauza


Sesiunea 2 – Presedinte: Prof. C. Dumitrescu, Copresedinti: Prof. R. Radoslav, Prof. S. Bica, S.l. Catalina Bocan

13:15     Alma Preda         Responsive digital design – interactive interior architecture

13:30     Mathiu Alicia Dariana      Libraries in conforming and nonconforming places

13:45     Oana Rupacici    The Extension of the Living Space in the Attics of Historical Buildings

14:00     Racolța Andrei   Environmental reintegration and refunctionalisation of disused buildings. Indoor-outdoor harmonization and technical solutions of energy efficiency

14:15     Simona Vicol      Perception of children’s mental representation of the city and the living environment –   Case study: Timisoara, Romania

14:30     Cristian Petruș   Urban risk of reinforced concrete frame buildings with masonry infill walls subjected to seismic actions

14:45     Andreea Stanila                Vulnerability to earthquakes. Case Study: Saint George Square, Timişoara

15:00     Alina Narita         The study of seismic vulnerability of historic buildings in Timisoara. Case study: Square St. George

15:15     Miereanu Gabriela          Bicycle, model alternative transport – Case study Craiova and Metropolitan Area, Romania

15:30     Simon Maria       Analysis on the legislative framework and its impact on cross-border territory




Comitet științific



Prof.dr.arh. Ioan Andreescu



Prof. Dr. Arh. Smaranda Bica

Prof. Dr. Arh. Teodor Gheorghiu

Prof. Dr. Arh. Cristian Dumitrescu

Prof. Dr. Arh. Radu Radoslav

Prof. Dr. Arh. Vlad Gaivoronschi

Prof. Dr. Ing. Marius Mosoarca

S.l. Dr. Arh. Catalina Bocan


Secretar științific:

Prof. Dr. ing. Marius Mosoarca


Comitet organizare


S.l. Dr. Arh. Ana Branea,

As. Drd. Arh. Marius Gaman

As. Drd. Arh. Popov Miodrag

Drd. Arh. Iasmina Nicolau

Drd. Arh. Vladimir Obradovici

Drd. Ing. Petrus Cristian

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